Our Lady told me judge the skull and bones secret society at Yale. Now everyone thinks card 13 is about me killing someone. Dubya is alive and well for 22 years.
Russell Brand the new messiah would never kill a fly. I help stranded worms on rainy days to one up Brand.
the Science output of Vancouver has doubled
Y does Andrew Tate copy
your styles joe?
života dva, ja bi oba tebi da
(If I had two lives, I would give both to you).
Andrew Tate is a false prophet that works for pay….when he sees the wolf coming to kill the sheep he runs away….
if i want to talk to a millionaire, i will talk to my dad the boomer with his multi million dollar house.
50 bucks a month for this tripe?
things would be different at university if i was presdient.
Soldiers without borders wants this guy
out of Romania